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Alejandra Zuñiga

5 tips to support your baby's sleep during illness

When babies are sick, their sleep patterns often get disrupted. They may sleep more but wake up frequently during the night and naps.

Baby holding a stethoscope
Baby holding a stethoscope

It's important to understand that sleep plays a crucial role in boosting their immune system and aiding a speedy recovery. By implementing a few strategies and offering extra care during these times, you can help your baby maintain healthy sleep habits and facilitate their healing process. Here are some practical tips to support your baby's sleep during illness.

1. Maintain their regular bedtime and nap-time routine:

Even during challenging times, it's important to stick to your baby's regular sleep routine as much as possible. Following the familiar pattern of activities before sleep—such as bathing, reading a bedtime story, or singing a lullaby—sends cues that it's time to rest. Consistency will help your baby feel secure and make it easier for them to fall asleep.

2. Offer naps more frequently:

When your baby is unwell, it's crucial to pay attention to their cues and be flexible with their nap schedule. Illness can make them more tired, so they may need more frequent naps or longer periods of sleep. Allow them to nap when they seem tired, even if it doesn't align with their usual routine. Prioritizing their rest will aid their recovery.

3. Room share for a few days:

If possible, consider temporarily room sharing with your baby during their illness period. Being close by will help you respond promptly to their needs and provide comfort during restless nights. By sharing their room, you can better monitor their sleep patterns and transition back to their own room when they are feeling better.

4. Provide comfort and assistance as needed:

When your baby is having difficulty falling asleep due to illness or teething discomfort, offering extra comfort and assistance can make a significant difference. Try soothing them by gently patting their back or rocking them to sleep in your arms. This physical closeness can provide the reassurance they need and help them drift off into a peaceful slumber.

5. Breastfeed or offer a bottle more frequently:

During illness, it's important to ensure your baby stays hydrated. Breastfeeding or offering a bottle more frequently can help provide the necessary fluids to keep them hydrated and nourished. This will not only support their recovery but also contribute to a more settled and comfortable sleep.

Remember, as your baby begins to feel better, gradually transition back to your normal sleep routine. Should you encounter any difficulties, reach out for support or consult relevant resources to help you navigate this phase effectively. Helping your baby establish healthy sleep habits during illness or teething will contribute to their overall health and well-being.



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